Saturday, September 21st
9am – 12:30pm (PST)
A Peace on Earth Zone increases individual and community well-being. This is created through a transformative process that weaves together the social fabric of a community enabling greater cooperation for the common good. It does this at the personal and organizational levels by applying the seven transformative peace practices developed by playing the Peace Game – empowerment, oneness, unity, cooperation, abundance, love, and faith.
We call the journey of a community creating a Peace on Earth Zone “world-building.” A Peace on Earth Zone is part of a global movement called Peace On Earth by 2030. In this workshop, you will envision a Peace on Earth Zone and learn one of the world-building skills of “Cooperation for the Common Good.” Drawing upon your community’s unique culture, strengths, and needs, you will learn how to transform it into a place of kindness, compassion and peace.
David Gershon, an expert in transformative social change, is architect of the Peace on Earth by 2030 movement and its Peace Game and Peace on Earth Zone strategies.
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